[NDS] Agent Eight

Nickname: skyfrog
Projet name: Agent Eight
From: France
Division: Retro GAME
Platform: NDS
Original enter: YES
Support Motion: NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO
http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,6306.0.htmlPROJECT DESCRIPTION:
You are secret Agent Eight.
Terrorists took the control of a nuclear plant. They threaten to blow it if
government don’t pay one billion dollars as a ransom.
The aim of your mission is to stop them. Good luck.HOW TO USE:
Download : AgentEight.zip
Unzip and copy the file AgentEight.nds in the linker memory card.In game, use:
CROSS to move Agent Eight
L/R to change weapon (pistol, shotgun, machine gun, Flamethrower)
STYLUS to shoot enemyCREDITS:
code/gfx: skyfrog
made with PAlib
sound: www.freesound.org

mail: skyfrog @ live.fr
blog: https://skyfrog2000.wordpress.com/youtube video: seeby Cid2Mizard from http://www.nintendomax.com28/08/2010 Update of Agent Eight NDS:
– new weapon: Flamethrower
– faster enemies
– background music (from DOOM 1)15/05/2011 last version
-collision bug fixed


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